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Best Dental Implants in Visakhapatnam

Replacement of lost teeth is essential to bring back normal function, graceful smile, and appearance. Though there are many options for replacement, dental implants are the most modern and sophisticated way to replace missing teeth that look like natural teeth.

Ravi’s dental care and implant centre will bring back a confident and aesthetic smile with the best implants in Vizag. Our implant team is highly experienced in using modern equipment and technology to insert the best quality implants. Feel free to contact us to know more about the best dental implants in Vizag.


What is Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a modern dental treatment option for replacing lost teeth without damaging adjacent natural teeth. They evolved in the last decade as the best and more popular treatment option for teeth replacement.

Dental implants are biocompatible titanium screws inserted inside the jaw surgically that act as a tooth root. Over the implant, the implantologist places a crown to replace a lost tooth. These implant-retained crowns look like natural teeth.

Dental Implants

  • For single missing teeth
  • For partially edentulous patients with missing posterior teeth.
  • For completely edentulous patients

Dental implants are fit for every individual who has lost their teeth irrespective of age due to accidents, trauma, and serious gum issues. Untreated, missing teeth can cause various problems, as shown below:

  • The gap between teeth can cause speech problems.
  • Facial muscle pain
  • Wrinkled face with sunken cheeks
  • Lacks confidence and causes low self-esteem.
  • Plaque accumulation in the missed tooth area causes infections and gum diseases
  • Improper bite

  • Replace the missing tooth and appear like a natural tooth arising from the gum line.
  • Stronger and High success rates (above 97% for ten years)
  • No harm to adjacent teeth, unlike bridges
  • Restore normal function and esthetics
  • Improved maintenance of bone in the edentulous site
  • Decreases risk of caries of adjacent teeth
  • Improved ability to clean the proximal surfaces of the adjacent teeth.

  • Treatment Plan - CBCT scan report of jaw bone is assessed by implantologist to evaluate height and width of bone and type of bone (porous or dense). Based on these, the type and size of the implant will be selected.
  • Implant Placement - After treatment planning, the surgical site is prepared. Local anesthesia is administered. The incision is given, and the flap is reflected to expose the underlying bone. Then the hole is prepared into the bone with implant drills. Once the hole is prepared to a predetermined depth, the implant is driven into the bone with the handpiece. Then the flap is repositioned, and sutures are given.
  • The Osseointegration Process - takes around 3-6 months to form bone on the implant surface and implant to blend with the surrounding bone. This osteointegration period depends on the type of bone, health of the individual, and habits..
  • Abutment Placement - After confirmation of bone healing with X-ray, an incision is given, and the implant is exposed. The abutment is fixed, and the flap is repositioned.
  • Fixation of the Crown - 2 weeks after healing of gum around the abutment, the artificial crown is cemented or fixed by using a screw.

Why Choose Us for your Dental Implants ?


It varies from person to person, mainly depends on patient health, oral hygiene habits. The success rate of well-planned implants is 90-95%

With professional treatment and proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for 15 -20 years.

Yes, it is possible to rehabilitate a full mouth with implant-supported fixed bridges or implant-supported removable dentures or hybrid dentures. It is possible to restore full mouth with the all-on-four technique of all-on-six implant placement technique.

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